Ministerial Association


The Ministerial Association serves pastors, pastors' families, local church elders and company leaders. As well as nurture, support and training, the Ministerial Association is also heavily involved in the planning of ministerial training and recruitment.

Statement of Ethical Foundations for British Union Conference staff. This is the level of service you can expect from all Adventist ministers and staff.

Entry into Pastoral Ministry

Process for Entering the Ordained Ministry (Updated 27th January 2011)
Criteria for Ministry (Updated 27th January 2011)

Internship Evaluations & Professional Reviews

The following forms are available to download for conducting evaluations of pastoral interns and for annual pastoral professional reviews:

Pastor Information & Professional Review

Professional Development

GC Document on Continuing Education CEU

Lay Leaders

Elders Induction Complete Document
Spiritual Guardians Complete Document
9 Ideas for Expressing Appreciation to our Pastor
47 Ways to Welcome a New Pastor

Ministerial Counselling Service - MCS

There are times when a minister or members of the ministerial family come under particular stress. It is not always appropriate to seek support from a colleague or a senior person in the church. To that purpose MCS has been set up to provide confidential access to independent help. It is available free of charge to all ministerial employees of the Adventist Church in the UK and Ireland.

Links - Lots of sermon resource material here Ministerial Association Head office for the World Church.


Sam Ouadjo

Ministerial Association Secretary